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Millions of people are Amazon Prime subscribers, but many of them don’t realize that in addition to free shipping and Prime Instant Video, they also get unlimited photo storage for all their computers and mobile devices.

数以百万计的人是Amazon Prime的订户,但其中许多人没有意识到,除了免费送货和Prime Instant Video,他们还为所有计算机和移动设备获得了无限的照片存储空间。

We’ve been encouraging people to —and unlimited photo storage is definitely a feature that Prime subscribers should take advantage of. Even if you already have a total PC backup system in place, or you’re taking advantage of another type of backup service for your photos like iCloud, we’d still encourage you to take advantage of Prime Photo storage—after all, you’ve already paid for it, and you can never have your irreplaceable photos backed up in too many places.

我们一直在鼓励人们收益—无限的照片存储肯定是Prime订户应该利用的功能。 即使您已经拥有一个完整的PC备份系统,或者您正在为iCloud之类的照片使用其他类型的备份服务,我们仍然鼓励您利用Prime Photo存储—毕竟,您可以您已经为此付出了代价,因此您永远无法在太多地方备份无法替代的照片。

Thanks to a combination of manual upload through the Prime Photos site, the Amazon Drive + Photos app for Windows and Mac computers, and mobile apps for iOS and Android, it’s absolutely trivial to get your photos into Prime Photo and keep them up to date. Let’s take a look at each method, starting with the no-software-needed manual way.

通过Prime Photos网站手动上传,适用于Windows和Mac计算机的Amazon Drive + Photos应用程序以及适用于iOS和Android的移动应用程序的结合,将照片添加到Prime Photo中并保持最新是绝对不容易的。 让我们看一下每种方法,从不需要软件的手动方法开始。

手动上传:拖放,完成 (Manual Upload: Drag, Drop, and Done)

Manual upload is a great place to start, because to get there, you have to log into our Amazon Prime Photos control panel and become familiar with the service. To do so, simply visit  and log in with your Amazon credentials.

手动上传是一个很好的起点,因为要到达那里,您必须登录我们的Amazon Prime Photos控制面板并熟悉该服务。 为此,只需访问并使用您的Amazon凭证登录。

If this is your first time ever using the service, you’ll see a blank slate like the one seen below.


You can select the “Upload Photos” button to use your operating system’s file explorer to select photos or, more conveniently, simply drag and drop photos right onto the browser pane.


Either way, you’ll see an upload meter in the lower left corner. Once it wraps up, you’re free to browse your photos.

无论哪种方式,您都会在左下角看到一个上传表。 打包后,您可以自由浏览照片。

In addition to the noting the upload is complete, also note the “People” tag in the sidebar, as well as the “Things” tags above it. Amazon’s Photo service has improved significantly since their clunky offerings in years past, now with sophisticated face recognition and the ability to recognize object patterns in photos. Thanks to the automatically generated tags, you can easily search for combinations of tags—like checking the tag for your kid in the “People” category and “Lawn” to show just photos of him outside in the yard or on the soccer field.

除了注意到上传已完成,还请注意侧栏中的“人物”标签以及上方的“事物”标签。 自从过去几年来笨拙的产品以来,亚马逊的照片服务有了显着改善,现在具有复杂的人脸识别功能和能够识别照片中对象模式的功能。 借助自动生成的标签,您可以轻松地搜索标签的组合,例如检查“人”类别和“草坪”中孩子的标签,以仅显示他在院子里或足球场上的照片。

Be prepared to be shocked at how uncannily accurate the recognition algorithms are. In a series of photos we uploaded of some neighborhood dogs at play, the algorithm tagged all dog photos as “Dog”, including photos of puppies as “Puppy”.

准备对识别算法的精确度感到震惊。 在我们上传的一些在玩的邻居狗的一系列照片中,该算法将所有狗照片标记为“狗”,其中包括将小狗的照片标记为“小狗”。

桌面应用程序:因为没人拖拽40,000张照片 (The Desktop App: Because Nobody’s Drag ‘n Dropping 40,000 Photos)

If you have a lot of photos to upload and you’re not interested in the hassle of manually uploading them, the desktop app is the path to happiness for you. The app also allows you convert the names of the folders into album names, which is especially handy.

如果您要上传很多照片,而对手动上传的麻烦不感兴趣,则桌面应用程序是您获得幸福的途径。 该应用程序还允许您将文件夹的名称转换为专辑名称,这特别方便。

Visit the and download the appropriate version for your operating system. Run the app to install it and then log into your Amazon account.

访问并下载适用于您的操作系统的版本。 运行该应用程序进行安装,然后登录到您的Amazon帐户。

After signing in, you’ll be prompted to confirm which folder you wish to use as the syncing folder. By default the app creates a brand new folder in your user directory called “Amazon Drive” as seen below. We recommend you leave this as the default for now. This will give you an opportunity to play around with the file syncing by adding a few folders to the directory before you unleash the syncing process on all your photos at once. (It’s far better to find out with a sample directory or two, for example, that your naming structure won’t be preserved properly than to end up with 1,000 mangled directory names). You can always change the default directory later once you’ve confirmed it works the way you want it to. Click “Next”.

登录后,系统会提示您确认要将哪个文件夹用作同步文件夹。 默认情况下,该应用程序在您的用户目录中创建一个名为“ Amazon Drive”的全新文件夹,如下所示。 我们建议您暂时将其保留为默认值。 这样,您就可以通过在目录中添加一些文件夹,然后一次对所有照片进行同步,来进行文件同步。 (例如,最好查找一个或两个示例目录,而不是最终保存1000个错误的目录名,否则将无法正确保留您的命名结构)。 确认默认目录可以按您希望的方式运行后,您随时可以更改它。 点击下一步”。

Next, you’ll be prompted to sync folders from your Amazon Drive account to your computer. Unless you have a compelling reason to want to sync all your drive folders to this computer, it’s best to skip this step and choose not to sync.  Choosing not to sync here has absolutely no impact on your photo backup process.

接下来,系统将提示您将文件夹从您的Amazon Drive帐户同步到计算机。 除非您有充分的理由要将所有驱动器文件夹同步到此计算机,否则最好跳过此步骤并选择不同步。 选择此处不同步对您的照片备份过程绝对没有影响。

Finally, you’ll be presented with a handy little key for reading the Amazon Drive interface, and the Drive app will park itself in your system tray, awaiting some files to upload.

最后,将为您提供一个方便的小键,用于读取Amazon Drive界面,并且Drive应用程序将自身停放在系统托盘中,等待一些文件上传。

Simply add some test photo files (or folders) to the sync directory, and watch the uploader chug away:


Now when you look in your Prime Photos web dashboard, you’ll see your new photos. There’s one thing you may notice is amiss, however, if you uploaded (as we did) photos that were already in a named folder. By default, the Prime Photos just scans your Amazon Drive for photos and sucks them up into the Photo dashboard, organized by both the date they were taken as well as any tags that Amazon automatically applies to them (such as the aforementioned “People” tags).

现在,当您查看Prime Photos Web仪表板时,您将看到新照片。 但是,如果您上传(像我们一样)上传了已命名文件夹中的照片,您可能会注意到不对劲。 默认情况下,Prime Photos只会扫描您的Amazon Drive中的照片,并将它们按照“拍摄日期”以及Amazon自动应用于它们的任何标签(例如前面提到的“ People”标签)组织到“照片”仪表板中。 )。

It does not, by default, automatically apply the directory names you may have already applied to your photo storage system. If you wish for Prime Photo to also use your album names in addition to its default organization scheme, you’ll need to tweak your Prime Photos dashboard to do so.

默认情况下,它不会自动应用您可能已应用于照片存储系统的目录名称。 如果您希望Prime Photo除了默认的组织方案之外还使用相册名称,则需要调整Prime Photos仪表板。

NOTE: If you are only using Prime Photos for backup purposes and don’t really care what organization structure the photos are presented in via the actual Prime Photos dashboard this step isn’t necessary. Uploading your Photos to Amazon Drive with the uploader app will keep your photos in their original directories even if Prime Photos doesn’t recognize those directories by default.

注意:如果您将Prime Photos用于备份,而实际上并不关心通过实际的Prime Photos仪表板显示照片的组织结构,则无需执行此步骤。 使用“上传器”应用程序将照片上传到Amazon Drive,即使默认情况下Prime Photos不能识别这些目录,这些照片也会保留在其原始目录中。

Select “Albums” from the left hand navigation menu and then click on “Select Folders” at the bottom of the empty “Albums” screen.


Check any folder from your list of Amazon Drive folders that you wish to have represented in Prime Photos as an album. Do note that this will not create duplicates or make a mess of your files. It will simply tell Prime Photos to use those directories as album names (the photos will still be in the main dashboard view organized by date).

从Amazon Drive文件夹列表中检查您希望在Prime Photos中表示为相册的任何文件夹。 请注意,这不会创建重复文件或使您的文件混乱。 它只会告诉Prime Photos使用这些目录作为相册名称(这些照片仍将在按日期排列的主仪表板视图中)。

When you’ve finished checking all the folders you wish to turn into Prime Photo albums, click “Create albums” at the bottom of the menu and you’ll be treated to organization based on the folder names you synced to Amazon Drive:

当您完成所有想要转换为Prime相册的文件夹的检查后,单击菜单底部的“创建相册”,您将根据已同步到Amazon Drive的文件夹名称来进行组织:

At this point, all you need to do to keep your photo backup process automated is leave the Amazon Drive app running in the system tray and add any photos you wish to backup to the sync folder. If you kept the sync folder set to the default but you already have a large and populated photo directory, now is the time to switch the default to your primary photo directory. You can do so easily by right clicking on the Drive icon in your system tray, selecting the menu icon in the upper right corner, and then selecting “Preferences”.

此时,要使照片备份过程保持自动化,您需要做的就是让Amazon Drive应用程序在系统托盘中运行,然后将要备份的所有照片添加到同步文件夹中。 如果您将同步文件夹设置为默认文件夹,但是已经有一个较大的且填充了照片的目录,那么现在是时候将默认文件夹切换到主照片目录了。 右键单击系统任务栏中的“驱动器”图标,选择右上角的菜单图标,然后选择“首选项”,即可轻松实现。

Simply change the default folder in the preferences menu to your primary photo directory and let it churn through your vast photo archive.


移动应用程序:随时随地进行上传,因为拿铁快照很精美 (The Mobile App: Uploads on the Go, Because Latte Snapshots Are Art)

Backing up your massive pile of photos on  your desktop computer is important, but let’s be honest: most of us are taking far more photos using our phones than with anything else. Furthermore, it just makes good sense to actively backup your smartphone photos—your phone is far more likely to get broken, lost, stolen, or dropped in a lake than your computer.

在台式计算机上备份大量照片很重要,但是老实说:我们大多数人使用手机拍摄的照片远远超过其他任何东西。 此外,主动备份您的智能手机照片非常有意义-您的手机比计算机更容易摔坏,丢失,被盗或掉入湖中。

To get started, visit the app store on your mobile device and download the Prime Photos app for either or . Install and run the app and log in with your Amazon credentials. If prompted to allow “Prime Photos” to access your photos, do so. The only real big decision when dealing with the app setup is whether or not you want the app to automatically upload all your photos or if you want to have manual oversight. When prompted, you can click “OK” to start the upload process right now, or “Not Now” to play around with the app first before committing to it uploading all your pictures.

首先,请访问您移动设备上的应用商店,然后下载适用于或的Prime Photos应用。 安装并运行该应用程序,并使用您的Amazon凭据登录。 如果提示允许“原始照片”访问您的照片,请这样做。 处理应用程序设置时,唯一真正的重大决定是您是希望应用程序自动上传所有照片还是要进行手动监督。 出现提示时,您可以单击“确定”以立即开始上传过程,或单击“不立即”以首先运行该应用程序,然后再承诺将其上传所有图片。

Regardless of what you choose, you’ll be greeted with your existing Prime Photo content. While the layout is different compared to the webapp, all the key items are there: albums, people tags, a search function for the “thing” tags, and a handy menu button, labeled “More”, down in the corner to get at the settings.

无论您选择什么,都会有您现有的Prime Photo内容受到欢迎。 虽然布局与Webapp相比有所不同,但所有关键项都在其中:相册,人物标签,“物”标签的搜索功能以及方便的菜单按钮(标有“更多”),位于角落处,即可访问设置。

There in the “More” menu, you’ll find a handful of useful links, including a top level link to toggle “Auto-Save” on and off, a link to manually upload photos (if you’re manually curating your uploads), and an additional “Settings” menu.

在“更多”菜单中,您会找到一些有用的链接,包括用于打开和关闭“自动保存”的顶级链接,用于手动上传照片的链接(如果您要手动整理上传的照片) ,以及附加的“设置”菜单。

There’s only one immediately relevant setting in the “Settings” menu you’ll need to attend to. If you want to enable the app to upload over cellular data (instead of just Wi-Fi), you can toggle that on. Otherwise, to keep your data usage down, leave it turned off in the default state.

您只需要关注“设置”菜单中只有一个与之直接相关的设置。 如果要启用该应用程序以通过蜂窝数据(而不只是Wi-Fi)上传,可以将其打开。 否则,为了降低数据使用量,请在默认状态下将其关闭。

Now that we’ve run you through how to use the web, desktop, and mobile app, you’ll be able to easily (and in two out of three of those instances, automatically) upload all your photos and enjoy unlimited Prime Photo storage.

现在,我们已经向您介绍了如何使用网络,桌面和移动应用程序,您将能够轻松地(在其中三分之二的情况下,自动地)上传所有照片并享受无限的Prime Photo存储空间。




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